Buy or sell stocks: Following weak global market sentiments, the Indian stock market snapped its five-day winning steak on Friday. The Nifty 50 index crashed 311 points and closed at 24,699. The BSE Sensex tanked 885 points and ended at 80,981, whereas the Bank Nifty index corrected 226 points and […]
Sumeet Bagadia stock recommendations today
Breakout stocks to buy or sell: Despite weak global market sentiments, the Indian stock market ended higher for the third day in a row on Wednesday. The Nifty 50 index finished 121 points higher at 24,978. The BSE Sensex scaled 285 points north and closed at 81,741, whereas the Bank […]
Stocks to buy or sell: Ahead of the central bank policy meetings in the United States, UK and Japan, the Indian stock market started the week with marginal gains. The Nifty 50 index finished at 24,842, adding 7 points in the previous close. The BSE Sensex went up 23 points […]
Buy or sell stocks: Following strong global market sentiments, the Indian stock market snapped a five-day losing streak on Friday. The Nifty 50 index finished 428 points higher after climbing to a new peak of 24,861. The BSE Sensex skyrocketed 1,292 points and closed at 81,332, whereas the Bank Nifty […]
Stock market today: Following weak global market cues after lacklustre earnings from US tech behemoths Tesla and Alphabet, the Indian stock market ended lower for the fourth straight session. The Nifty 50 index slipped 40 points and closed at the 24,438 mark, the BSE Sensex shed 280 points and closed […]
Buy or sell stocks: Following weak global market trends on rising US-China tension, the Indian stock market ended lower on Friday. The Nifty 50 index corrected 269 points and closed at 24,530, while the BSE Sensex lost 738 points and ended at 80,604. The Bank Nifty index nosedived 355 points […]
Stocks to buy or sell: Despite mixed trends in the global markets, the Indian stock market ended higher on Friday. The Nifty 50 index finished 186 points higher at 24,502. The BSE Sensex shot up 622 points and closed at 80,519, whereas the Bank Nifty index ended marginally higher at […]
Buy or sell stocks: Despite mixed trends in the global markets, the Indian stock market ended higher on Friday. The Nifty 50 index finished 186 points higher at 24,502. The BSE Sensex shot up 622 points and closed at 80,519, whereas the Bank Nifty index ended marginally higher at 52,278. […]
Stocks to buy or sell: Despite strong global market sentiments, the Indian stock market traded sideways and ended flat on Thursday. The Nifty 50 index ended marginally lower at 24,315, while the BSE Sensex shed 24 points and finished at 79,897. The Bank Nifty index gained 81 points and closed […]