Additionally, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX) will be closed for the morning session on June 17. However, it will reopen for the evening session from 5:00 PM to either 11:30 PM or 11:55 PM. The Indian market has a total of 15 holidays scheduled for the calendar […]
Stock market holidays
In May, the Indian stock exchanges were closed for two days. In observance of Maharashtra Day, both exchanges were closed on May 1. The BSE and NSE were also closed on May 20 in addition to May 1 due to the general elections, which included competing for all six Lok […]
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE) will be observing a significant closure on May 20. This is due to the fifth voting phase for the Lok Sabha Election 2024 in Mumbai, marking the second holiday of the month. The closure is in line with the seven-phase […]