Sanstar IPO allotment date: The Sanstar IPO share allotment will be finalised today (Wednesday, July 24). The investors who applied for the issue can check Sanstar IPO allotment status in Sanstar IPO registrar portal, which is Link Intime India Private Ltd. The Sanstar IPO opened for subscription on Friday, July […]
Sanstar share price
Sanstar IPO subscription status: The last bidding day for Sanstar Ltd’s initial public offering garnered an overwhelming response from Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs). Non-institutional investors (NIIS) responded well on the third day, followed by retail investors. At 17:30 IST, Sanstar IPO subscription status was 82.98 times, as per BSE data. […]
Sanstar IPO subscription status: The second bidding day of Sanstar Ltd’s initial public offering followed a similar pattern to the first, with non-institutional investors (NII) leading the way with huge subscription numbers, followed by retail investors who showed great interest in the issue. On the second day, qualified institutional buyers […]
Sanstar IPO opens for subscription on tomorrow (Friday, July 19). The company is among India’s top manufacturers of plant-based speciality products and ingredient solutions for use in food, industrial, and animal nutrition applications. With an installed capacity of 3,63,000 tons annually (1,100 tons per day), the firm ranks fifth in […]