Brokerage firm Prabhudas Lilladher has raised its 12-month forward target for the benchmark Nifty to 26,398 from 25,816, as compared to a month ago. “In the Base Case,PL values NIFTY at 3% discount to 15-year average PE (18.6x) with March 26 EPS of 1,417 and arrives at a 12-month target […]
prabhudas lilladher
The NSE benchmark has demonstrated consolidation with a 4.4 per cent up move over the past two months despite significant market volatility during the Lok Sabha elections 2024. ‘’Nifty 50 is trading at 15-year average PE with 14.9 per cent EPS CAGR over FY24-26. Our 12- month base case Nifty […]
Indian stock market: Ending the day on a flat note, the Indian stock market benchmarks, the Sensex and the Nifty 50, experienced cautious trading on Tuesday, May 21, with the majority of stocks facing losses. The Sensex closed 53 points (0.07%) lower at 73,953.31, while the Nifty 50 finished the […]
A rally fuelled by robust fundamentals has led to a re-rating in the infrastructure and capital-goods sectors, pushing several stocks into what seems like overvalued territory. Several infrastructure and capital-goods stocks are trading above their 10-year average price-to-earnings (PE) ratio. The PE ratio compares a company’s stock price to its […]