US equity markets crashed as fear looms over economic recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.71 per cent or 681.07 points to 39,056.19. The S&P 500 fell 3.66 per cent or 195.42 points at 5,151.14, while the Nasdaq Composite crashed 6.34 per cent or 1,063.63 points to 15,712.53. Gold […]
Oil held steady near a two-month high as signs of weaker demand in Asia vied with a decline in US crude stockpiles. West Texas Intermediate was little changed at just under $84 a barrel after closing at the highest settlement price since mid-April on Wednesday. Brent crude also traded relatively […]
Oil prices rose on Monday, fuelled by increasing summer demand optimism and the supply cuts by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The rising gains in the oil market were controlled by other producers, indicating volatility, reported Reuters. On Monday, Brent crude futures rose 0.81 per cent or […]
Oil prices increased during early Asian trading on Monday, extending last week’s gains. This rise occurred amid the search for Iran’s president following a helicopter crash in the oil-producing country and the U.S. purchase of crude to replenish its national stockpile. By 0049 GMT, Brent crude had climbed 26 cents, […]