Mumbai: Weak global cues snapped the Indian benchmark indices’ five-day climbing streak on Friday, accompanied by fear gauge India Vix rising the most in almost two months, leading to Indian investors turning poorer by ₹4.78 trillion. Displaying signs of rising investor uncertainty amid increasing recessionary fears in the US and […]

Davis was one of the remarkably few people who made a sizable fortune from investments in common stocks, serving as an inspiration to the ‘Average Joe’ that he too could become rich without resorting to shady shenanigans. During the mid-1930s, the American stock market came under heavy selling pressure, striking […]

Indian markets resumed their upward trajectory on Friday, rebounding from the heightened volatility triggered by the Union Budget 2024’s capital gains tax hike and an STT increase on derivatives. Despite less favorable global cues and foreign portfolio investors pulling out of Indian equities following the budget announcement, the indices staged […]