US equity markets crashed as fear looms over economic recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.71 per cent or 681.07 points to 39,056.19. The S&P 500 fell 3.66 per cent or 195.42 points at 5,151.14, while the Nasdaq Composite crashed 6.34 per cent or 1,063.63 points to 15,712.53. Gold […]
Nasdaq Composite
Wall Street today: Wall Street losses deepened on Friday, August 2, with a sharp drop in US equities and US Treasury yields at multi-month lows after a weak jobs report fueled worries the US Federal Reserve has been too slow to cut key the interest rates, risking a more pronounced […]
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) shares jumped more than 10 per cent in early trade on Wednesday after the chipmaker gave a bullish revenue forecast on high demand for its new artificial intelligence processors. At 11:45 a.m. EDT, the AMD shares were at $144.93, up $6.46 or 4.66 per cent. […]