Sebi has imposed stringent new rules forcing AMCs to bolster surveillance and internal controls. This move comes amid growing concerns over activities such as front-running and insider trading within the mutual fund industry. The aim is to create a level playing field while safeguarding investor interests. Read this | Surviving […]
mutual funds
Presenting a comprehensive recap of the week’s highlights, spanning from top news to market performance, here’s your market wrap for the week concluding on July 26, 2024. From top news to market performance, here’s the market wrap for the week ended July 26, 2024. Top News RBI’s MPC hiked the […]
Budget 2024: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her seventh consecutive budget earlier today and announced several tax changes across income slabs and capital gains on equities and mutual funds. Analyzing the changes in mutual fund investments, Radhika Gupta, Edelweiss MD and CEO of Edelweiss Asset Management Company (AMC), claimed that […]
Presenting a comprehensive recap of the week’s highlights, spanning from top news to market performance, here’s your market wrap for the week concluding on July 19, 2024. Source link
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has invited comments on its proposal to introduce a new asset class or product category aimed at bridging the gap between mutual funds (MFs) and Portfolio Management Services (PMS). In a consultation paper released today, Sebi clarified that the new asset class […]
Presenting a comprehensive recap of the week’s highlights, spanning from top news to market performance, here’s your market wrap for the week concluding on July 12, 2024. Kuvera First Published13 Jul 2024, 11:42 AM IST From top news to market performance, here’s the market wrap for the week ended July […]
The first reaction to the general election result was negative with a 5.9% decline in the Nifty index on June 4, though the market ended last quarter up 9.7% from where it closed that day. The initial reaction was no surprise since the failure of the BJP to obtain the […]
Edelweiss MD and CEO Radhika Gupta, recently shared valuable insights on X (formerly Twitter) from their factor investing team, supported by detailed charts and data. In her first tweet, Gupta highlighted the performance of various investment factors over the past decade, revealing that momentum has been the best-performing factor, significantly […]
Presenting a comprehensive recap of the week’s highlights, spanning from top news to market performance, here’s your market wrap for the week concluding on July 5, 2024. Source link
Moneycontrol reported that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is conducting unannounced inspections of top mutual fund executives, examining their digital devices, including mobile phones, iPads, and laptops. Five leading mutual funds have undergone these inspections over the past 12 months, with SEBI accessing the mobile phones of […]