The longest weekly winning streak since 2010 came to an end this week as the Indian market faced significant selling pressure today. This downturn was influenced by a sell-off in global markets following fresh data from the US, which has reignited recession fears. These concerns have resurfaced in the headlines […]
Metal stocks
After a record-breaking performance in the previous trading session, Indian market struggled to maintain those gains today, with frontline indices losing over 1%. This decline was influenced by a sell-off in global peers, driven by weak US manufacturing and labor market data that reignited recessionary fears. Sector-wise, the metal sector […]
The Nifty 50 closed the week with a gain of 2.03%, marking its most significant weekly increase since January 2024, while the Sensex also ended the week with a gain of 1.85%, its highest since January. Several factors contributed to this upward movement. Firstly, there were expectations of a rate […]