The BJP won 240 Lok Sabha seats, falling 32 seats short of a majority. The BJP needed four allies to obtain a majority: N Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP, which has 16 seats, Nitish Kumar’s JDU (12), Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena (7), and Chirag Paswan’s Lok Janshakti Party-Ram Vilas (5). Also Read: […]
Lok Sabha election
Stock market today: After the Lok Sabha election results are not coming in tune with the exit polls, the Indian stock market is under sharp sell-off pressure. The Nifty 50 index has fallen around 1000 points, the BSE Sensex has tanked around 2800 points, and the Bank Nifty index has […]
Stock market today: After a stellar rally on Monday, the Indian stock market witnessed sharp selling in early morning deals on Tuesday. The Nifty 50 index lost around 700 points and touched an intraday low of 22,566, whereas the BSE Sensex lost over 2000 points and touched an intraday low […]
The gap-up is expected to result in a rush for short covering by foreign institutional investors and proprietary traders who had feared the NDA might not be able to secure more than 300-310 Lok Sabha seats, say market experts Mint spoke with. A strong electoral mandate for the ruling alliance would […]
Election Stock Picks: The domestic benchmark indices, the Nifty 50 and the Sensex, hovered between gains and losses on Friday as investors adjusted their bets ahead of next week’s national elections. They closed modestly higher but saw their first weekly decline in three weeks. The NSE Nifty 50 ended the […]
Retail and wealthy investors have taken huge long bets on index and stock futures contracts, reinforcing their expectations of political continuity, according to analysts. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs), on the other hand, are being cautious, hedging their bullish bets on single stock futures contracts and cash portfolios by building huge […]
In an exclusive conversation with Sanjay Pugalia, chief editor of NDTV, the Prime Minister (PM) of India, Narendra Modi defended his government’s track record of creating jobs while brushing off criticism from the opposition on the subject. Furthermore, he noted that an increasing number of young people are considering stock […]
Stock market today: After bleeding for the five straight sessions, the Indian stock market had a sigh of relief as there was some relief rally in early morning deals on Friday. However, the Indian volatility index, India VIX, continues to remain on the higher side. The India VIX today opened […]