In May, the Indian stock exchanges were closed for two days. In observance of Maharashtra Day, both exchanges were closed on May 1. The BSE and NSE were also closed on May 20 in addition to May 1 due to the general elections, which included competing for all six Lok […]
Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Voter turnout is low, but the process is slow. People have waited for an hour and gone back without voting, said former HDFC Chairman Deepak Parekh while addressing the media following his vote at a polling booth in Peddar Road, Mumbai. Mumbai’s vote percentage has been […]
In an exclusive conversation with Sanjay Pugalia, chief editor of NDTV, the Prime Minister (PM) of India, Narendra Modi defended his government’s track record of creating jobs while brushing off criticism from the opposition on the subject. Furthermore, he noted that an increasing number of young people are considering stock […]