Global brokerage firm CLSA has revised its India portfolio in response to the Lok Sabha election results. The firm, which recently listed 54 stocks as “Modi stocks,” has now limited its exposure to this category to only ONGC and Reliance Industries, as these have re-rated by less than 15% in […]
ITC share price
The stock declined around 1 percent to its day’s low of ₹436.90 in intra-day deals today, Friday, May 24. It has now corrected 12.5 percent from its peak of ₹499.60, hit in July last year but has advanced over 9 percent from its 52-week low of ₹399.30, hit on March […]
Buy or sell stocks for today: After showing a sideways movement (a term used to describe a market that is neither trending up nor down) with a weak bias (a slight inclination towards a particular direction) on Monday, the Indian stock market slipped into the weakness zone (a period of […]