Bitcoin prices (BTC) surged over 3 per cent on Wednesday, reaching $65,758 at 12pm (India). BTC has experienced high traction among investors due to increased inflows and positive sentiments following an assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald Trump, which has significantly increased the odds of the former president winning […]
Bitcoin’s price could reach a new all-time high in August and potentially climb to $100,000 during the U.S. presidential election in November, according to a report by Standard Chartered, as quoted by media reports. Geoffrey Kendrick, Standard Chartered Bank’s head of forex and digital assets research, was quoted as saying […]
The US markets regulator Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Thursday confirmed that it has approved applications from Nasdaq, CBOE and NYSE to enable exchange traded funds holding Ethereum’s native token, ETH. It is vital to note that they are yet not cleared to trade but a step has been […]
Major cryptocurrencies experienced a rally on Monday following the release of softer-than-anticipated US jobs data, which revived expectations that the Federal Reserve might consider easing rates within the year. World’s largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin experienced a 1.5% increase, reaching $64,340 on Monday, whereas the second-largest digital token, Ethereum, saw a 3% […]