US equity markets crashed as fear looms over economic recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.71 per cent or 681.07 points to 39,056.19. The S&P 500 fell 3.66 per cent or 195.42 points at 5,151.14, while the Nasdaq Composite crashed 6.34 per cent or 1,063.63 points to 15,712.53. Gold […]
dow jones industrial average
Futures for major U.S. indexes, which were each up a modest 0.1% before the report was released, shot up after the report was made public. Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 each climbed 0.7% less than an hour before markets opened. Treasury yields fell, with […]
Asian markets traded in the green following overnight gains in the US stock market after soft economic data raised hopes of interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. Sentiment in the Indian markets improved after the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) leaders pledged support to Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) […]
Asian markets traded lower after key economic data from China and reports that US President Joe Biden plans to hike tariffs on some goods from the world’s second-largest economy. This week, investors will watch out for key stock market triggers including the ongoing Q4 results, India’s retail inflation data, domestic […]
Asian markets traded mixed while the US stock market also ended on a mixed note overnight amid lack of fresh triggers. Gains in US dollar and treasury yields weighed on the equities. On Wednesday, the Indian stock market benchmark indices ended choppy session on a flat note amid cautious market […]