Krystal Integrated Services share price jumped over 5% on Tuesday’s session after the firm reported its Q4 results. For the quarter that ended March 31 (Q4FY24), the company’s consolidated profit after taxes (PAT) surged 70.3% on year to ₹15.7 crore from ₹9.2 crore in Q4FY23. The facility management and security services provider’s revenue for the quarter ended March rose 52% year-on-year to ₹292.2 crore from ₹192.2 in Q4FY23.
According to the company’s exchange filing, EBITDA increased by 97.7% year over year to ₹18.8 crore in Q4 of FY24. EBITDA margin increased by 149 basis points to 6.4% in Q4FY24.
Further, subject to shareholder approval, the board recommended a dividend of ₹1.50 per equity share, or 15% of face value of ₹10 per share.
Full-year revenue for FY24 was ₹1,026.8 crore, up 45.1% YoY; profit after taxes for the year was ₹49.0 crore, up from ₹33.8 crore in FY23; PAT Margin was 4.8%.
The company’s top line increased by 45.1% year over year to ₹1,026.8 crore in FY24, breaking the ₹1,000 crore mark for the first time, according to CEO and Whole Time Director Sanjay Dighe’s comments on the performance. PAT and EBITDA climbed by 45.2% and 37.8%, respectively, to Rs. 49.0 crore and Rs. 68.7 crore.
“The growth mainly came from a robust increase in our order book as we continued to secure new contracts. We are strategically diversifying our business by expanding our corporate partnerships to reduce our reliance on government contracts. Concurrently, we are broadening our service offerings to include a more comprehensive portfolio,” said Sanjay.
On Tuesday, Krystal Integrated Services share price opened at ₹789.95 apiece on BSE. The stock touched an intraday high of ₹790.55 and an intraday low of ₹765. The shares of Krystal Integrated Services has increased 8.6% since its debut on March 21.
In March, Krystal Integrated Services shares were listed at a premium of more than 11% above the issue price of ₹715. When the stock debuted on the BSE at ₹795, it had jumped 11.18% from the issue price. It listed at ₹785 on the NSE, up 9.79%.
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Published: 28 May 2024, 11:18 AM IST