Although the banking sector has lagged behind the Indian benchmark Nifty index over the past 6 to 12 months, it is well-positioned for substantial long-term growth, driven by India’s largely underbanked population. In 2024, the Nifty Bank index has risen over 8 percent year-to-date, trailing the benchmark Nifty’s almost 13 […]
Nifty Private Bank
Investors in IndusInd Bank Ltd are notably disheartened by the private lender’s recent performance. So far this calendar year, the stock has tumbled by 11%, contrasting sharply with sector indices Nifty Private Bank and Nifty Bank, which have climbed 5% and 8%, respectively. The provisional operational update for the June […]
Certainty in the election outcome and renewed foreign investor inflows into Indian equities have pushed benchmark indices to new peaks for two consecutive sessions. However, the banking index has not mirrored this trend. Does the election impact the banking sector? If yes, would a likely third term for Modi benefit […]
Dedicated emerging market (EM) foreign investors, Wood noted, may no longer be ‘overweight’ on India given a combination of sustained outperformance and strong domestic inflows prompting a potential shift in foreign investor sentiment. However, Chris Wood continues to have a positive structural view on India’s domestic demand cycle. Another reason […]
The Nifty Bank index is down over 3 per cent in May so far against a 2 per cent fall in the equity benchmark Nifty 50. Nifty PSU Bank index is down 6 per cent this month so far, while the Nifty Private Bank index has declined 3 per cent. […]