Indian stock market traded higher on Tuesday, with the frontline indices Sensex and Nifty 50 tad below their record high levels. The gains were led by banking, financial services and IT stocks. Foreign Investors are optimistic on Indian markets from a medium-term perspective but are cautious after the surprisingly strong […]
midcap stock picks
Going ahead, the brokerage sees limited short-term upside for the Nifty due to high valuations and a lack of positive catalysts. Despite this, the pause is viewed as a temporary phase in a long-term bull market, with a low likelihood of a significant correction. SAMCO maintains a positive outlook on […]
The Indian stock market indices, Sensex and Nifty 50, are trading flat with a negative bias on Tuesday dragged by selling in banks, realty and energy stocks. Broader markets underperformed the frontliners as the midcap and smallcap indices were down more than half a percent each. The benchmark Nifty 50 […]