Indian benchmark indices continued their record-high run on Thursday for the second straight session. The Sensex rose 406 points to its new high of 80,392.64 while the broader Nifty gained 114.5 points to its peak of 24,401. The Sensex reached the 80,000 mark for the first time on July 3. […]
Indian equities
The brokerage noted that even though the incumbent party failed to cross the majority mark on its own in its third term, it still retained its spot of being the largest party with the highest vote – subduing the fear regarding meaningful deviation from the stated policies. MOSL continues to […]
Foreign investors have paused their relentless selling over the election outcome, turning net buyers of shares worth ₹11,730 crore last week (June 10-15), according to NSDL data. This shift marks a sharp contrast to the intense selling seen in the last couple of months. In April, foreign investors were net […]
In a recent note, Axis Securities sees equities starting off on a positive note but anticipates a volatile path ahead, with macroeconomic factors continuing to dominate the stage. The brokerage firm underscores that while the initial momentum is promising, ongoing global uncertainties and domestic economic conditions could introduce fluctuations. To […]
Today’s surge, particularly noteworthy, saw indices climbing by nearly 2 percent. This remarkable rebound coincided with the Reserve Bank of India’s optimistic revision of the FY25 GDP growth forecast to 7.2 percent, up from the previous 7 percent projection. Furthermore, the central bank maintained a steady course by leaving the […]
Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have turned their backs on Indian equities. In this calendar year so far, they have remained net sellers in Indian stocks to the tune of ₹31,388 crore, according to data from the National Securities Depository Ltd. The month of May saw massive outflows worth ₹25,886 crore […]
Bull markets need fuel, which can come from equity capital or debt, noted ace investor Shankar Sharma in a recent post on X (formerly Twitter). He pointed out that India’s bull market has been driven by two main factors: a sharp increase in public debt-to-GDP from 65% to around 90%, […]
However, in the second half of today’s trade, the market took a U-turn, led by gains in bluechip stocks, rise in broader markets as well as in most sectoral indices. The Sensex jumped as much as 611 points to its day’s high of 74,070.84, surpassing the crucial 74,000 levels while […]