Emcure Pharmaceuticals, backed by Namita Thapar, made a remarkable debut on the Indian stock exchanges on Wednesday, July 10. The shares were listed at ₹1,325.05 apiece on the BSE, reflecting a 31.45 percent premium over the issue price of ₹1,008. Following the listing, Emcure Pharma’s shares climbed further to ₹1,384, […]
Emcure Pharmaceuticals IPO subscription status
Emcure Pharmaceuticals IPO subscription status: The initial public offering of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd kickstarts for subscriptions today (Wednesday, July 3). At an upper price range of ₹1,008 per equity share, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd picked up ₹582 crore from 48 anchor investors, on Tuesday, July 2. Bain Capital-backed Emcure Pharmaceuticals IPO, […]