Bitcoin prices (BTC) surged over 3 per cent on Wednesday, reaching $65,758 at 12pm (India). BTC has experienced high traction among investors due to increased inflows and positive sentiments following an assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald Trump, which has significantly increased the odds of the former president winning […]
Bitcoin price
Bitcoin’s price could reach a new all-time high in August and potentially climb to $100,000 during the U.S. presidential election in November, according to a report by Standard Chartered, as quoted by media reports. Geoffrey Kendrick, Standard Chartered Bank’s head of forex and digital assets research, was quoted as saying […]
World’s biggest cryptocurrency Bitcoin witnessed a downturn of over 3 per cent on Monday, falling to $61,000 level. Losses are mounting in the crypto market following its second-worst weekly decline of 2024, driven by waning demand for Bitcoin exchange-traded funds and uncertainty surrounding monetary policy. As of 11:44 a.m. on […]
World’s biggest cryptocurrency Bitcoin slid as much as 3.78 per cent to $66,817 on Tuesday reflecting trader anxiety ahead of the US inflation data release and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decision. Bitcoin reached a record high of $73,798 in March, boosted by inflows into dedicated US exchange-traded funds. However, […]
Bitcoin (BTC) soared above $71,000 early Tuesday, reaching its highest level since early April, while Ether jumped more than 19% to $3,700. This surge followed Bloomberg analysts increasing the likelihood of a spot ETH exchange-traded fund (ETF) being approved in the U.S. to 75%. According to the latest data from […]